The cookie banner
Just register on our website, choose the offer that best suits your needs and install your banner.
The installation is very simple, quick to set up and fits all types of cookies.
Our banner complies with the data protection rules:
- It allows users to choose the type of cookies they want to accept.
- It allows users to reject cookies while continuing to use your website.
- It gives users the ability to withdraw their consent whenever they want.
The duration of the installation will depend on the complexity and the number of cookies used on your website:
- If you want to install it yourself and you know your site well, this operation can take a few minutes to a few hours.
- If you want to go through our free installation, it will depend on the number of current requests. Treatment of your file should not take more than a week.
L'Starter offer is for a website that contains few pages and light traffic, like a showcase site.
L'Expert offer focuses on more visits and an 'invisible' solution: The CookieSecure icon will no longer be visible on your website's cookie banner.
Many cookie solutions do not take into account the new GDPR standards, unfortunately they only serve to annoy visitors unnecessarily.
If you have doubts, we offer a free audit of your current solution.

The expert services
Expert offers require in-depth audits of your current solutions, we will strive to map your personal data processing, manage technical risks, conduct a data protection impact analysis (DIP), to see if you manage requests for access rectifications, to study your documents of conformity, ...
The goal is to take into account all the facets of the regulation.
The duration and prices of our interventions are based on several factors:
- The complexity of your site and the data you process.
- The responsiveness of your internal partners (recovery information may be quite slow depending on their priorities)
- Our spectrum of intervention (If we need to audit technical flaws, if you already have a policy in place, etc.)
Do not hesitate to contact us so that we can offer you a service tailored to your needs.
The European regulation in application requires many modifications on the websites and within your company. Whatever happens, this application must first go through you and your / your web or legal managers. We are here mainly to support you, help you establish a strategy and facilitate certain procedures ... such as setting up a cookie banner or processing user requests.

General questions
For more security and portability, we offer a Paypal solution: reliable and recognized, so you can use your account or your different types of bank cards.
We do not let you sign any contract or long-term commitment You can cancel your subscription at any time. We do not charge you any hidden fees.
Yes, so you'll need a subscription to each of your domains and each of your subdomains, but cookie secure accepts your site without and with and its www alias, for example, yoursite.com and www.yoursite.com will be treated as one area.
We manage, of course, all types of CMS on the market, whether they are open source (WORDPRESS, DRUPAL, PRESTASHOP, ...) or not.
Of course, you can change your subscription plan or cancel your account at any time through your interface, any upgrade will take effect immediately, but cancellations or requests to upgrade to a lower level will not take effect until the end of the current billing period.
Our services are by domain and you must have a subscription for each of your domains.
Do not hesitate to send us an email to contact our support team!